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376th Financial Supervisory Authority meeting: penalties for Pocztowe TUW and Allianz 

376th Financial Supervisory Authority meeting: penalties for Pocztowe TUW and Allianz 

Dodano: 2017-12-12
Publikator: Financial Supervisory Authority

The 376th Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF) meeting was held on 5 December 2017.

The Authority imposed a financial penalty on Pocztowe TUW for estimating premiums on a level which do not ensure the performance of the insurance contractual obligations and coverage costs of insurance company’s activities in the years 2011-2015 in the insurance of group 10. The insurance company has to pay PLN 50,000. 

Moreover, Allianz Poland was punished for delays in granting and paying out damage claims. The sanction amounts to PLN 180,000.

Also, KNF gave Lidia Fido consent to become Gothaer’s board member responsible for risk management.

The next Financial Supervisory Authority meeting will be held on 19 December 2017.

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