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57% of Poles have not heard about PPK

57% of Poles have not heard about PPK

Dodano: 2019-06-14

The Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) has asked Poles about their knowledge of the retirement reform in Poland and the Employee Capital Plan (PPK) introduction. 57% of respondents have not heard about the new saving program.

Only 41% of those questioned have become acquainted with the PPK. Others answered that they do not know about this. 

Those questioned have not also heard about PPK in their companies. Only 13% of them answered that participation in the program was touched upon in their firms. It concerns employees of the group  of the largest companies in Poland which are going to participate in the PPK program on 1 July 2019. 28% of those questioned who worked in these organizations talked about the program in their job places.

CBOS also asked respondents about their declarations of participation in PPK. Among people under 54 years old who will be joined to the program automatically, the declarations were on the level of 41%. 30% of the group members announced a withdrawal.

The research’s older participants are reluctant to save money for a pension. Only 20% of them plan to take part in the program. 66% declared that they will not participate in PPK.

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