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A minute for your skin

A minute for your skin

Dodano: 2022-10-18

PZU initiated a nationwide prevention programme entitled „A Minute for your Skin”, which – using artificial intelligence – helps detect cancer.

The insurer is offering a test using the innovative, medically certified mobile app 'SkinVision’. The app is available to employees of selected companies that have taken out group insurance with PZU Życie. All the user has to do is take a photo of the mole with the help of the app. A number of artificial intelligence algorithms assesses the risk of skin cancer and cases with a high risk score are additionally verified by dermatologists.

This is important news in the context that melanoma mortality rate in Poland is almost 20 percent higher than in the European Union. Melanoma is the seventh most common malignant tumour among men and the eighth among women. It is estimated that around 3 500 new cases of this type of skin cancer are diagnosed each year, and, according to the National Cancer Registry, the incidence rate is increasing all the time.

The programme is the result of a collaboration between PZU and the Dutch start-up SkinVision.

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