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A trap for the thief

A trap for the thief

Dodano: 2022-05-05

The case involves a man who was attempten to defraud somone using a Blik code. However, taht person realized that he was dealing with a phishing attempt and this led to the arrest of the scammer.

A young man contacted the victim via social media and asked for a loan and a Blik code. He claimed to be an acquaintance. The addressee of the message immediately realized the situation and transferred his funds to his wife’s account. Then he sent the fraudster the access codes to the empty account. He informed the police about his actions. Officers went to the ATM where they met the man entering the received code on the keyboard of the ATM.

The man was arrested for three months and charged with three counts of Blik code fraud and one count of breaking a password to a profile on a social networking site.

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