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Aegon PTE pension fund manager to take over Nordea OFE pension fund – statement

Aegon PTE pension fund manager to take over Nordea OFE pension fund – statement

Dodano: 2016-06-20

Aegon PTE fund house, which manages Aegon OFE pension fund, struck a preliminary deal to take over pension fund Nordea OFE, creating #4 pension fund on the market, Aegon said in a press statement without disclosing the value of the transaction.

„Following the integration of the funds Aegon PTE will be managing net assets worth an aggregate of PLN 12.4 bln, taking #4 position among pension funds operating in Poland,” the statement reads.

The deal „finalizes Nordea Group’s plans to divest its Polish business units directly servicing clients, and to focus on core markets,” Claus Stoltenborg, the head of Nordea PTE fund house, which currently manages Nordea OFE, said as cited in the statement.

The agreement is subject to regulator approval, Aegon said.

Aegon OFE held PLN 5.78 bln assets under management (AuM) at end-May 2016. Nordea held PLN 6.45 bln in AuM. At end-April, Aegon had 919k clients, while Nordea 987k.


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