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Aleksander Roda became the TU Zdrowie CEO

Aleksander Roda became the TU Zdrowie CEO

Dodano: 2018-10-02

There have been some changes in the board of the Polish insurance company TU Zdrowie. Aleksander Roda became the new CEO of the firm. He replaced Xenia Kruszewska in this position.

“My aim is to create the best health insurance sales team in Poland. I always explain to my coworkers that a client is the most important and our interest is to meet his needs in order that he will say that we are the best and he trusts us”, said Aleksander Roda. 

Aleksander Roda has managed sales departments as well as all organisations in the FMCG and retail sectors during the last 16 years. In 2013, during 6 months, he was a TU Zdrowie advisor.

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