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Allianz has completed the acquisition of Aviva companies

Allianz has completed the acquisition of Aviva companies

Dodano: 2021-12-14

On November 30, Allianz completed the acquisition of Aviva’s companies. On the same day, Jolanta Karny replaced Adam Uszpolewicz as Aviva’s president.

Adam Uszpolewicz has been associated with the company since 2007. Until now Jolanta Karny has been the vice-president of Aviva responsible for sales and marketing. The appointment is subject to approval by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

The acquisition process, which has just been completed, included Aviva’s life and non-life insurance companies, a pension fund company, an investment fund company, as well as a 51 percent stake in a joint venture between Aviva and Santander Bank. The transaction also included Aviva’s Lithuanian operations.

The merger is expected to be completed by mid-2022.

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