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Allianz Partners to insure Uber

Allianz Partners to insure Uber

Dodano: 2021-12-23

Allianz has partnered with Uber to bring free insurance coverage to drivers and suppliers.

Under the Partner Protection program, starting January 1, 2022, Uber drivers and Uber Eats suppliers from a total of 23 countries, including Poland, will be covered by free insurance from Allianz Partners. The policy will include, among other things, benefit payments to cover lost income if an accident occurs during the ride.

The policy offered by Allianz consists of several elements. It is addressed to Uber drivers and Uber Eats providers who are on-trip, as well as to the insured’s private life (off-trip). The coverage will include, among other things, payment of a benefit to compensate for lost income as a result of a travel mishap, hospitalization or injury. The policy protects from the moment of acceptance of a transportation or delivery order until 15 minutes after its completion.

For partners who have completed a sufficient number of orders, Allianz will offer off-trip benefits. These will include paid sick leave for up to 15 days, maternity or paternity benefits, among others.

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