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Almost PLN 7 billion in new projects achieved thanks to participation of Polish companies in trade missions abroad

Almost PLN 7 billion in new projects achieved thanks to participation of Polish companies in trade missions abroad

Dodano: 2016-10-18
Publikator: Export Credit Insurance Corporation

The latest foreign trade missions organized by the Ministry of Development involving Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE) have already produced tangible results – almost 20 projects in total for a sum close to PLN 7 billion.

The active support of Polish exporters in soliciting export contracts provided by KUKE translates into the significantly enhanced credibility of Polish firms as potential business partners. The national export credit insurer, declaring its willingness to extend insurance cover to foreign contractors for transactions entered into with Polish exporters, is opening many doors, especially on those foreign markets which, for various reasons, were previously closed to Polish entrepreneurs.

KUKE’s presence has also facilitated establishing direct contact with the representatives of public agencies and institutions executing the national policy in sensitive sectors such as transport infrastructure, energy, mining and fuel or petrochemical industries, which are crucial to investment decisions.

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