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Anna Grzelonska is the new CEO of NN Life Insurance Romania

Anna Grzelonska is the new CEO of NN Life Insurance Romania

Dodano: 2017-06-06

NN Romania has appointed Anna Grzelonska, currently chief operating officer of Nationale-Nederlanden in Poland, as CEO of NN Life Insurance Romania, effective  July 1, subject to regulatory approval. She replaces Marius Popescu, who was appointed as CEO of NN Hayat ve Emeklilik from April 1.

Grzelonska joined the company in 2008 as marketing services and communications director, and since then has held senior commercial roles. She was appointed as chief operating officer of Nationale-Nederlanden in Poland in 2014, playing a key role in advocating the customer view, helping the organisation to create relevant customer experience and being instrumental in repositioning NN in the bancassurance channel.

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