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Anna Janiczek appointed acting president of PZU Zdrowie

Anna Janiczek appointed acting president of PZU Zdrowie

Dodano: 2020-04-14

Anna Janiczek was appointed to the Management Board of PZU Zdrowie SA, the health insurance arm of the PZU Group. She will simultaneously act as the President of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board of PZU Zdrowie SA decided.

Anna Janiczek has joined the PZU Group in 2016. Since than she has successfully initiated and implemented cross-domain activities to improve customer experience within the Group. As Managing Director of Marketing and Customer Relations at PZU, she implemented the first comprehensive customer experience management program in the insurance industry, as well as the client-friendly Academy CX program. Her merit is the introduction of the Customer Journey project, which involves creating maps of customer experiences and needs. As the manager of the complaint process at PZU, she proposed several hundred initiatives aimed at, among others improving the quality of medical care for PZU Zdrowie. These experiences will pay off in the area of health insurance, which is important for PZU.

The management changes during this unique situation are designed to adapt the company to new challenges as much as possible. Anna Janiczek’s commitment and high competence will help it go through a difficult period associated with the pandemic, and then continue the company’s development on the medical operators market. At the same time, the PZU Zdrowie Supervisory Board dismissed the current president Julita Czyżewska, Piotr Lizukow and Sebastian Tabaka from the PZU Zdrowie management board.

PZU Zdrowie is one of the largest medical operators in Poland. It has a network of about 130 own and 2200 partner branches in almost 600 cities in Poland. He cooperates with dozens of hospitals and over half of pharmacies in the country.

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