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Apple Pay is in Poland

Apple Pay is in Poland

Dodano: 2018-06-26

Apple Pay that services mobile payments is available for Polish customers. The service is offered in cooperation with eight banks operating in Poland. Further banks will probably follow in September.

On 19 June 2018 Apple Pay launched in Poland. The mobile payments are available for clients of Alior, BGŻ BNP Paribas, BZ WBK, Getin, mBank, Nest Bank, Pekao and Raiffeisen Polbank.

Probably further banks will be ready to take part in the project in September. It is also possible that then the biggest Polish bank – Pekao – will launch this service in cooperation with Apple.

Apple postponed introducing its mobile payment service on the Polish market for a long time. Poles like new innovative financial and technological solutions especially contactless payments, and they adopt them very quickly.   

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