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Assistant from the digital world

Assistant from the digital world

Dodano: 2022-10-04

When conducting a phone call to a customer service centre of, for example, a bank, it is increasingly common to encounter a virtual assistant. Digital assistants are more and more intelligent and effective.

Chatbots are becoming ubiquitous. No wonder, as they relieve the burden on customer service centres and can also improve brand communication. „Chatbots can perform a variety of functions, from recommending products, through assisting throughout the whole purchasing process, to collecting feedback from customers,” states a source of an article published in Rzeczpospolita.

When discussing the topic of virtual assistants, it is impossible not to mention Tido. The platform, which supports ca. 300,000 websites, deals with online customer service for SMEs, using so-called livechats and chatbots. The platform’s tools integrate with e.g. WordPress, Facebook and e-mail. Customer service on all channels is possible with the use of only one management panel. Other entities have also recorded considerable success. SentiOne is worth mentioning here. Its bot has been implemented by Alior Bank, for example.

It is therefore safe to say that assistants from the digital world have made themselves at home in almost every area.

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