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Aviva launched 2nd edition of its campaign about smog

Aviva launched 2nd edition of its campaign about smog

Dodano: 2018-10-02

On 1 October 2018 the second edition of Aviva’s campaign “I know what I breath” started. Its aim is increasing the awareness of the smog problem and the education level of this issue. The 2nd edition of the campaign concentrates on new actions as well as installation of 100 new air sensors.

The installation of a billboard which is actually an air cleaner is the most interesting initiative of the campaign. The installation is located in Warsaw, near the busiest street crossing. The billboard cleans exhaust gases from 90k cars a year. The billboard is going to be functioning in 12 months.  

The insurer also organizes a special AirRun in Cracow. Its participants will run 5 or 10 kilometres in antismog masks. The insurer has prepared lesson scenarios for teachers.

As in the first edition of the campaign Aviva has organised a vote on where 100 new air sensors will be installed. Additionally 50 devices will be passed on to schools.   

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