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Aviva published financial results

Aviva published financial results

Dodano: 2019-08-20

In the first half of this year Aviva noted an increase in the gross premium in both life and property insurance.

The operating profit of the Aviva group in Poland, according to international financial reporting standards, amounted to PLN 469 million, which means a decrease by 4% compared to the first half of 2018 (PLN 489 million).

The value of new business in life insurance according to the Solvency II directive amounted to PLN 151 million and was higher by 14% compared to the first half of 2018 (PLN 133 million).

The combined ratio (COR) in property and other personal insurance was 88.7% and has remained stable since the beginning of 2018.

A 61% increase in gross premiums in business insurance was observed. The new TPL insurance offer for companies and entrepreneurs proved to be successful. In turn, the COR ratio in property insurance remains at 88.7%.

The number of customers using the MojaAviva online service has also increased. There are currently over 360,000. In turn, Aviva and Santander Aviva paid customers a total of PLN 182 million of life insurance benefits and PLN 106 million of claims from property insurance.

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