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Aviva with new life&health insurance

Aviva with new life&health insurance

Dodano: 2019-08-13

Your Life – insurance offered by Aviva allows clients to easily adjust the scope of protection to their needs.

The „Your Life” policy is characterized by flexibility in the choice of insurance sums, 16 additional contracts, „I care for health” program with a package of free check-ups and discounts for genetic testing, and „For Active” agreement, treatment abroad, as well as an optional investment part .

The „Your Life” policy is ensured by life insurance and a higher sum insured in the period indicated by the client (eg for the time of repayment of on mortgage loan). The new offer is attractive to customers interested in health and accident insurance elements such as, for example, serious illness, inability to work, and treatment in a hospital. Your Life allows for a high level of protection, up to 800,000. PLN in the case of serious illness and incapacity to work due to illness or accident; and another novelty expected by clients is treatment abroad.

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