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AXA School of Management for brokers

AXA School of Management for brokers

Dodano: 2018-11-06

The 2nd edition of AXA School of Management has started. It is an educational program prepared for brokers – key AXA partners in the sector of corporation insurance.

The 1st session was held on 18th October. The program’s aim is to pass on knowledge and expand participants’ competences in the scope of leadership, finance and negotiations.

The vice-president of AXA Ubezpieczenia Agnieszka Żołędziowska-Kulig stated that the program is exclusive. Only managers from AXA’s corporation insurance department can take part in the course.

“The program has a huge practical and substantive value. Thanks to this it constitutes the platform of creating business relationships between AXA and our key distributors, relationships I hope for many years”, says Agnieszka Żołędziowska-Kulig.

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