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Bancassurance in 2021

Bancassurance in 2021

Dodano: 2022-05-02

Last year, for the first time in several years, the value of sales in bancassurance was higher than that recorded twelve months earlier.

The above growth is largely due to a significant improvement in the results in the area of banking non-life insurance distribution. It generated the highest results in comparison with the previous four years.

According to the data presented on 31 December 2021, the premium written in the banking channel amounted to PLN 6.83 billion.

The above result is 23 percent higher than that recorded a year earlier. Then, it amounted to PLN 5.56 billion. Last year’s result was almost the same as the one recorded in the year preceding the pandemic – PLN 6.87 billion. For comparison, it can be noted that this result was also lower than that of 2018 – PLN 7.61 billion, of 2017 – PLN 10.15 billion and that of 2016 – PLN 9.81 billion.

It is also worth mentioning that the leader of life bancassurance was protection policies. The life sector earned a total of PLN 4209 million in gross premiums, which is a dozen or so percent more compared to 2020. On the other hand, the non-life sector earned PLN 2622 million in premiums. As a result, it was an outcome 40 percent better than a year before.

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