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Bank Millennium is the best bank in 2016 in quality of customer service

Bank Millennium is the best bank in 2016 in quality of customer service

Dodano: 2016-11-29

In this year’s customer service quality survey by International Service Check, Bank Millennium came top of the list. The Bank scored 90.6% with a general average score of 74.2%.

“It goes without saying that the recipe for success, also in the case of the ISC survey, is to consistently keep listening to customers and to satisfy their needs. I can say with confidence that understanding customers has become our priority and hobby. Another success component is full commitment of all employees of the bank; their consistency and professionalism. It is they who, apart from high service quality and excellent products, create the atmosphere, which is appreciated not only by “mystery shoppers” – Magdalena Macko, Director of Quality Department in Bank Millennium said. In terms of the way of informing about savings, Bank Millennium received a score of 96.4%.

The nationwide survey carried out in October 2016 covered 60 bank branches belonging to 15 banks. As in last year, banks were evaluated by use of the “mystery shopping” method. To get a meaningful comparison “mystery shoppers” from International Service Check visited the same branches again. Evaluation was made on the basis of interviews with bank employees about loans or savings, the effect of which was making a purchase (opening an account) or withdrawing from a product (closing an account a few days after signing the agreement). Additionally each of the mystery shoppers drew attention to the branch presentation and appearance of the employees.

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