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Bank Millennium launches travel insurance online

Bank Millennium launches travel insurance online

Dodano: 2017-08-22

Bank Millennium customers can now buy international travel insurance completely online – in the mobile app and in the Millenet internet system. Thanks to the unique option “Travel help” customers also get the possibility to contact the insurer quickly. This is extremely helpful during business and leisure international travel.

Bank Millennium is the first and only bank in Poland to offer the “Travel help” service. It is a special button – a widget, which is available in the mobile app and can be set up to be visible before logon. Its additional advantage is the fact that it works even without internet access. It allows the making of a direct phone call to the insurer or texting the insurer with a request to call back. The text is generated automatically – it features the policy number and location of the customer. The insurer gets information immediately about the customer’s whereabouts and can thus arrange for any necessary help very quickly.

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