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Barriers and opportunities for FinTech innovation in Poland

Barriers and opportunities for FinTech innovation in Poland

Dodano: 2017-01-17
Publikator: FinTech Polska Foundation

The “Polish FinTech Market – Barriers and Opportunities” report has been developed in response to the lack of reliable research on this topic. Both in Poland and abroad, the notion of fintech is on everyone’s lips. The authors of this report were committed to compiling in a single document a compendium of knowledge on the current situation of the FinTech industry in Poland, though not without extensive reference to the context of international experience and trends.

In the study initiated and carried out by the FinTech Polska Foundation and, a consultancy company, supported by the Centre for New Technology Regulations at the Faculty of Law and Administration, the University of Warsaw. The following 21 Fintechs, 13 banks, and 4 law firms took part in the study.

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