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Bartosz Grześkowiak resigned from Warta

Bartosz Grześkowiak resigned from Warta

Dodano: 2018-08-10

On 31 July 2018 Bartosz Grześkowiak resigned from the position of managing director in Warta. On 1 September he is going to start work with MAK Investments.

Grześkowiak had been working in Warta for 7 years. In the company he was responsible for corporate business development. Earlier he had worked in UNIQA where he managed cooperation with brokers, institutional agents and cars dealers.

On 1 September Bartosz Grześkowiak is to commence work in the holding company – MAK Investments as the CEO of MAK International Sp. z o.o and a vice-president of MAK Ubezpieczenia Sp. z o.o.

“I am grateful for the trust which I received from the MAK Group board and shareholders. I decided to make this move because I see a great potential in the company. I have no doubts that we will work well together. Also I want to say thank you to my colleagues from Warta for the last 7 years of cooperation. It was a good time for us” said Bartosz Grześkowiak.

MAK Investments is one of the biggest insurance intermediaries in Poland.

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