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BE PREPARED! The final insurance distribution act coming soon

BE PREPARED! The final insurance distribution act coming soon

Dodano: 2017-09-27

The portal and its content-related partner – CZUBLUN TRĘBICKI Law Offfice and the portal invite you to a training course „The final insurance distribution act coming soon – Be prepared!”. The meeting is on 6 December 2017 in Warsaw.

The training session will be held in English only (no translation provided).

The workshop will be prepared and conducted by experts from CZUBLUN TRĘBICKI Law Office and


Agnieszka Jakuczek – has wide experience and knowledge about insurance distribution especially – concept creating, new business model launching, sales and insurance agents supervising. She has worked in PZU, Nationale-Nederlanden, Nordea Life and AXA. Due to more than 20 years’ experience and knowledge in the life insurance and non-life sectors, bancassurance and affinity she was able to launch the portal

Piotr Czublun – attorney at law, specializes in insurance law, the financial institutions law sector and IT law.  In 2013 he was appointed as a member of an expert panel on the European Commission Insurance law (the only representative of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe). He was recommended as a leading Polish insurance lawyer by Chambers & Partners (2015, 2016, 2017). He is also the editor-in-chief and co-owner of beinsured, the on-line insurance portal and journal. He is a member of the working group of the Financial Market Development Council at the Polish Ministry of Finance, where he worked on the new act of insurance and reinsurance activity and the new act on insurance distribution.

Registration and more information:


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