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beinsured School of Insurance: the bill on insurance distribution – only practical issues

beinsured School of Insurance: the bill on insurance distribution – only practical issues

Dodano: 2017-06-27

On 22 June 2017 beinsured organised training for insurance distribution specialists about the bill on insurance distribution. The new act is implementing the IDD into Polish law. The workshop was conducted by the law-insurance specialists from CZUBLUN TRĘBICKI Law Office: Piotr Czublun, Agnieszka Wesołowska, Julita Nowak and Marta Ryskalczyk. Piotr Czublun took part in preparing the bill on insurance distribution in the working group on insurance distribution at the Financial Market Development Council.

The first bill on insurance distribution by the Ministry of Development and Finance was published on 6 December 2016 and sent out for governmental and public consultations. Both governmental and non-governmental entities were entitled to express reservations against the bill until 5 January 2017. On 19 January 2017 there was a conference (stakeholders’ meeting) held to agree the final content of the law. The last version of the bill was published on 25 May 2017.

During the training the specialists presented the most important changes which have appeared since the first version of the bill. They explained how to prepare for the new regulations and they replied to questions about the new bill.  

The participants of beinsured training were interested in the issues of close connection identification, conflict of interests management, distinction between different kinds of agents who are indicated in the new bill and the new training obligations for agents and insurance companies’ employees.

We invite you to the next training about the bill on insurance distribution which will be conducted in English in October. We will provide more information soon.

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