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BGK expands 3W initiative

BGK expands 3W initiative

Dodano: 2022-11-22

New players are joining the 3W area – the group of organisations that Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego is integrating in its 3W initiative: water, hydrogen, coal.

The signatories of the letters of intent include: AVL, COMPREMUM S.A., EcoEnergyH2, the Future Industry Platform Foundation, Moratex, Municipal Water and Sewage Company (Leszczyńskie Waterworks), NDI Energy and the Polska Grupa Wodorowa. The aforementioned entities are active in the areas of water, hydrogen, modern carbon technologies and sustainable development. Representatives of the organisations have joined forces with BGK and will thus be involved in the dissemination of the 3W idea. In addition, they will support each other in the implementation of projects concerning resources that are key to Poland’s sustainable development.

At the moment, twenty entities that operate in at least one of the three areas – water, hydrogen and coal – have decided to join the 3W world.

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego’s 3W idea focuses on the three key resources that are the linchpin of life on earth: water, hydrogen and coal. The initiative supports the worlds of science, business and administration in the development of cutting-edge technologies used in industry, energetics and medicine.

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