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Blik abroad?

Blik abroad?

Dodano: 2022-05-27

Polish Payment Standard, which is the operator of the Blik mobile payment system, is a member of SWIFT. This participation makes it possible to make payments in Euro.

SWIFT is an information exchange system for international bank transfers. Its main task is to shorten the time of making foreign orders and to automate transfers.

Blik’s entry into this system is another step on the Polish system’s road to international expansion. For a long time now, Blik has allowed payments through foreign e-commerce platforms. Whereas, the next step may be to allow international transfers to be made to the recipient’s designated phone number. However, a real milestone for Blik will be undoubtedly introducing it to the offer of foreign banks. Work in this area is already underway, and the first country in which Blik will be launched – besides Poland – will most likely be Romania.

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