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BNP Paribas and the Export Credit Insurance Corporation will support exporters

BNP Paribas and the Export Credit Insurance Corporation will support exporters

Dodano: 2021-11-18
Publikator: press release

On Thursday, October 28, Korporacja Ubezpieczeń Kredytów Eksportowych and BNP Paribas Bank signed an agreement of intent. The aim is to cooperate on solutions that will support Polish exporters and to undertake joint educational and promotional activities.

The Financing granted to exporters by BNP Paribas will be secured by the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECCU) through guarantees and insurance protecting support for domestic investments generating export, working capital financing for exporters, and financing of foreign direct investments made by Polish entrepreneurs.

„Together with BNP Paribas Bank, we want to equip thousands of Polish companies with modern tools that will allow them to compete even more effectively on foreign markets and better find their way in the postcovid reality. The instruments introduced this year to the Export Credit Insurance Corporation’s offer benefit both exporters and the banks that finance them. The latter, using our counter-guarantees, which secure up to 80% of the assumed liability, can increase the level of financing for their clients. As a result, exporters will be able, for example, to invest more in the development of their production capacities and intensify their external expansion. Together with the banking sector we can significantly support the development of exports and the whole economy”. – says Janusz Władyczak, president of the board of Korporacja Ubezpieczeń Kredytów Eksportowych.

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