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Boston Dynamics robots and insurance

Boston Dynamics robots and insurance

Dodano: 2021-10-08

U.S. insurer Farmers Insurance intends to use a remotely controlled robot, developed by Boston Dynamics, for claims adjustment tasks.

The four-legged robot, called Spot, will assist the insurer in analyzing damage after natural disasters and other events. The robot will begin its work in the autumn. With its ability to navigate difficult terrain, it will be able to reach places that are inaccessible to humans.

The robot will have sensors, cameras, and appropriate software, allowing it to collect data on the extent of the damage. This will help improve safety and streamline the claims verification process in the field. At first, Spot will be used to verify damages after catastrophes such as hurricanes or earthquakes. Its use may be broader in the future, the company is considering using it to analyze losses after events such as fires.

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