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Changes in management board of VIG

Changes in management board of VIG

Dodano: 2019-09-17

In recognition of his dedicated effort and outstanding leadership in Poland, Romania, the Baltic States, Ukraine and Moldovia, Franz Fuchs will be named Deputy General Manager on 1 October 2019. Three new members with extensive international experience in the Group – Gerhard Lahner, Gabor Lehel and Harald Riener – will join the Managing Board as of 1 January 2020. Judit Havasi will resign from the VIG management board at the end of 2019.

As of 1 January 2020, the management board of Vienna Insurance Group will be composed of the following members: Elisabeth Stadler (CEO), Franz Fuchs, Liane Hirner (CFO), Peter Hofinger, Gerhard Lahner, Gabor Lehel, Harald Riener, Peter Thirring.

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