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Changes in the reimbursment of business trips

Changes in the reimbursment of business trips

Dodano: 2022-08-23

On 28th July 2022, an amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 29th January 2013 on the allowances to which an employee working in a local or central  government entity of the public sector is entitled to on account of a business trip, came into force.

Under this amendment, the per diem rate for the time of a domestic business trip will increase from PLN 30 to PLN 38. Due to this increase, the amount of other business travel allowances affected by the per diem rate will also change. From 28th July 2022:

– the overnight lump sum for domestic travel will increase to PLN 57 (previously PLN 45);

– the overnight limit for domestic travel will increase to PLN 760 (previously PLN 600);

– the lump sum for local journeys during domestic trips will increase to PLN 7.60 (previously PLN 6).

The provisions of the Regulation apply to employers who are central or local government entities in the public sector. Other employers set out the conditions of payment of allowances for business trips in internal company regulations e.g. remuneration regulations or employment contracts. If this issue is not covered by internal company regulations, then the provisions of the Regulation should be applied.

Please note that the subsistence allowance for the duration of a business trip set internally cannot be lower than the current amount of the subsistence allowance for the duration of a domestic trip. However, the employer may set a lower amount of per diem for a foreign trip.

As for employees who will be on their business trip at the turn of the indicated dates – before 28th July this year – they will receive per diems according to the current regulations, and after 28th July this year they will receive the allowance according to the new rate.

We recommend that you check your internal company regulations to see if you need to amend, for example, your remuneration regulations or the employee’s contract of employment so that the per diem rate for business travel is in line with the new Regulation.

We invite you to follow our articles on the latest amendments in legislation.

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