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Completion of an acquisition transaction of MACIF shares by Saltus TUW

Completion of an acquisition transaction of MACIF shares by Saltus TUW

Dodano: 2019-08-27

On 20 August 2019 an agreement of the acquisition MACIF by Saltus TUW was finalised.

“Signing the agreement of acquisition of MACIF’s shares closed the important stage of the transaction and allows us to finish the long-term and intensive project. Its aim is to present our clients insurance offers which will include the best practices and experience of MACIF and Saltus”, said Grzegorz Buczkowski, a board member in Saltus.

“We want our clients, co-operators and agents to feel the new, important benefits of our offer and the cooperation with us”, added Robert Łoś, the Saltus CEO.

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