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Contract amendment practices – banks under scrutiny of the Competition Authority

Contract amendment practices – banks under scrutiny of the Competition Authority

Dodano: 2017-02-14
Publikator: Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection is conducting proceedings against 18 banks in order to verify the procedures for the notification of clients on the amendment of contracts for financial services (Credit Agricole Bank Poland, Alior Bank, Bank Millennium, BZ WBK, ING Bank Śląski and Pekao, Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas, Bank Handlowy, Bank Ochrony Środowiska, Bank BPH, Deutsche Bank Poland, Euro Bank, Getin Noble Bank, Idea Bank, mBank, PKO BP, Plus Bank, Raiffeisen Bank Poland).

The accusations of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection pertain to the notification of consumers of changes made to contractual arrangements using internal electronic banking systems. The above complaint applies to all banks apart from Bank Handlowy.

Under the provisions of applicable laws, the bank is under an obligation to provide such information using a durable medium. The term “durable medium” shall encompass both letters sent in a traditional or electronic form, information recorded on a USB drive as well as e-mails, provided that they contain all the necessary data.

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