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Court judgments concerning insurance practice

Court judgments concerning insurance practice

Dodano: 2017-08-29

The Regional Court in Czestochowa in its judgment of 21 June 2017 (ref. no VI Ca 373/17) ruled that a vehicle left in a garage was out of traffic, which means that the liability of the insurance company under the MTPL insurance does not cover any damage caused by this vehicle.

The Supreme Administrative Court in its judgment of 12 July 2017 (ref. no. I FSK 2240/15) ruled that insurance risk management support and actuarial support services do not benefit from the exemption under Art. 43 sec. 13 of the Act on VAT.

The Supreme Court in its judgement of 14 July 2017 (ref. no II CSK 806/16) ruled that if a farmer died while cutting down a tree, his children, sister and mother have the right to obtain compensation from the insurer under his TPL insurance contract. It is necessary, however, that there is a link between a misfortunate event and the running of a farm.

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