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CSO: Retirement and other pensions in 2015

CSO: Retirement and other pensions in 2015

Dodano: 2016-12-13
Publikator: Central Statistical Office

“Retirement and other pensions in 2015” – this publication is a comprehensive elaboration by the Central Statistical Office on retirement and other pensions in Poland as well as the population and households entitled to these benefits.

It presents changes in the number of persons receiving benefits, gross amounts of benefits and the average gross amount of benefits by types (retirement pays, pensions resulting from the inability to work and family pensions), the dynamics of the observed changes and the relation to average monthly wages and salaries within the non-agricultural social security system (the integration of data from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Ministry of National Defence (MON), the Ministry of the Interior (MSW) and the Ministry of Justice (MS)), as well as the social insurance system for farmers (data from the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS)). It provides the comparison of the average retirement pay and disposable income of households of retirees with social and subsistence minimum.

The report is available in Polish on the CSO’s website:,8,7.html

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