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Drivers, it’s worth insuring for winter

Drivers, it’s worth insuring for winter

Dodano: 2022-12-20

The first snowfall and sub-zero temperatures are behind us. Some drivers have prepared their cars for the occasion, while others are still delaying it….

And let us remind you that the winter season is a time when the number of assistance calls increases. Customers at this time most often report discharged batteries, frozen fluids or locks, as well as collisions caused by slippery roads and inadequate tires. So we remind you what you should equip your car with, so that winter – like every year – does not surprise drivers.

In addition to preparing your car properly, it is worth choosing insurance with an assistance package. The aforementioned services, which guarantee round-the-clock assistance on the road, are particularly useful especially in winter. The nationwide Assistance Survey, commissioned by Europ Assistance Poland, shows that car assistance is the most popular in our country. 91 percent of drivers have it, and 87 percent of respondents add that towing a vehicle is the most useful benefit. Of course, assistance is not just towing alone.

Packages offer a wider range of services such as:

  • on-site improvements;
  • fuel delivery;
  • arrangement of overnight accommodation for the driver and passengers (if the faulty car stays at the workshop);
  • the possibility of renting a replacement vehicle;
  • continuation of the trip by another means of transportation.

So, if you have a basic liability policy, it is worth extending it with assistance benefits.

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