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ERGO Hestia extends its offer for companies

ERGO Hestia extends its offer for companies

Dodano: 2021-12-23
Publikator: press release

ERGO Hestia is modernising its offer addressed to corporate clients. Among the changes introduced, there are: a significant extension of the basic MTPL coverage and the merger of five existing T&Cs into one product.

“The changes are a response to the current expectations of the client who wants to learn and analyze the insurance conditions even faster. Over the years, the provisions have grown to follow the changing needs of our business partners. We decided that the time had come to unify them” emphasises Marcin Dębicki, Managing Director of the Corporate Insurance Department at ERGO Hestia.

In its updated offer for companies, the insurer has broadened the scope of its policies by reducing exclusions by half, and has integrated five previously existing products into one. Customers will be able to choose certain conditions more quickly, which has been made possible by newly defined indications of protected persons in the professional liability policy. The modular design of the products will allow companies to freely customize the scope of the policy.

“Based on the observation of brokers’ needs, we have made many modifications – from the prosaic, such as shortening the General Terms and Conditions, through specifying various terms, which will facilitate cooperation between the broker and liquidator, to adding extending clauses to cover particularly significant risks” enumerates Mirosława Nowakowska, Director of ERGO Hestia Corporate Representative Office in Szczecin.

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