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Ergo Hestia with a chatbot for its customers

Ergo Hestia with a chatbot for its customers

Dodano: 2021-11-18

Ergo Hestia has provided its customers with a chatbot. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently get information about your policy, insurance offer, or loss.

The chatbot can be found on the Ergo Hestia website. It should help both potential clients, who look for information about the insurer’s offer, and current clients who want to settle matters related to the policy they have or any adjustment.

„The solution, although new, enjoys great and still growing interest. Currently, it amounts to 3.5 thousand initiated conversations a day – says Małgorzata Warczak, business, and IT system analyst in Ergo Hestia. – After opening the chat window, the customers may indicate whether they are contacting about policy or claim handling, they are looking for an agent contact or they want to learn something about the insurer’s offer. They will do so by clicking on the appropriate button. Also with the help of buttons they can, for example, specify their expectations from the product they are looking for”.

„The model is designed so that the customer can go through the vast majority of the conversation without writing. And when, for example, he reaches the offer he was looking for in the most convenient variant, he additionally gets the possibility to download a PDF with its brief description. He can keep the document or, for example, give it to his agent, who will immediately know what the client was looking for – explains expert. – And if the client doesn’t have an agent, the chatbot will also help him find the right person. The user will be asked to enter the postal code, and the tool will show him the nearest offices of the agents on the map”.

An important area handled by the chatbot is queries from existing customers regarding their contracts. Using the chatbot, customers will receive information related to the status of the policy: whether there is an overpayment or underpayment, whether the policy is still active and what risks it covers. The next and most frequently discussed topic of the chatbot is loss adjustment. After entering the claim number, the customer will receive information on the status of the claim, as well as contact details of the claim supervisor.

Another big area is service issues, which will also be handled by the chatbot: how to cancel the policy, how to submit a termination notice, how to settle the sale of the vehicle, or where to send the scrapping document. Ergo Hestia customers will be able to get answers to all these questions instantly, without having to search for them on the website and without waiting for a call from a hotline consultant.

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