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Euroins plans to develop its business in Poland

Euroins plans to develop its business in Poland

Dodano: 2019-04-09

Euroins – the Bulgarian insurance company which belongs to Euroins Insurance Group (EIG) intends to strengthen its activity on the Polish market.

The company started operations in Poland in November 2018. Its insurance products are sold by Eins, which cooperates with 800 agents.

Currently the Bulgarian insurer runs its business in Poland on the basis of the single European passport. However the company wants to formalize its business activity in Poland and buy another insurance company or launch its new Polish entity.

Euroins intends to earn PLN 100 mln in premiums this year and increase the sales channel. Currently the company offers motor insurance which is more expensive than the average market price. But the insurer plans to encourage clients through high service quality, a satisfied claims settlement process and attractive product offer.

Euroins runs insurance activity in Italy, Spain, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia and Macedonia.

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