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European Union insurance market in 2013–2014

European Union insurance market in 2013–2014

Dodano: 2016-10-04
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

In 2014 the total sum of premiums in the European Union countries amounted to nearly EUR 1.1 trillion, which meant a 3.5% increase in comparison to 2013.

A decline in total premiums in the Polish insurance market in 2014 – calculated in the local currency – was among the highest among the EU27 and reached 5.1% against the previous year.  In 2014, Poland, with its premium of EUR 13.1 billion, accounted for 1.2% of the EU market and was ranked 13th in the EU27 ranking. Nominally, this figure was more than those recorded in Ireland but less than in Portugal. Those of the leading countries that attained the highest growth – calculated in local currencies – in 2014, in comparison to the previous year, were: Italy (20.6%), Sweden (22.4%) and France (6.0%). In the same period declines were recorded by eight countries, including: the United Kingdom (by 9.5%), Netherlands (by 2.2%) and Spain (by 1.5%).

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