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Every eight hours new legislation is passed in Poland!

Every eight hours new legislation is passed in Poland!

Dodano: 2022-10-18

The number of laws enacted annually is regularly increasing in our country. 

Over the years, the following number of new laws (number of pages) was passed annually:

  • 1990: 1 348;
  • 2005: 16 587;
  • 2019: 21 537.

The average time taken to work on a law from receipt in the Sejm to the President’s signature has also changed. Averaging:

  • 2000: 201 days;
  • 2019: 69 days.

By contrast, by the middle of this year, 517 amendments to laws have already been published, according to the Warsaw Enterprise Institute.

This means that on average, new laws or amendments are published in Poland every eight hours.

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