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Fight against spoofing

Fight against spoofing

Dodano: 2022-02-22
Publikator: press release

Spoofing is a fraud consisting of impersonating another element of an IT system, e.g. a call center number or bank employees. In order to limit this recently common phenomenon, PKO BP has introduced a new security measure.

Customers of PKO who have an active IKO mobile application can use it to verify that they are being contacted by a bank employee. During a conversation with a consultant a client will receive in the application a message with the employee’s data. The user can ask the caller to provide that data and if they match, confirm them with the PIN to IKO. Having done that, you can continue the conversation.

In order to counteract the phenomenon of spoofing, PKO bank has also reminded their clients of they should remember about while talking on the phone. It should be borne in mind that a bank employee will not ask a customer for remote access to an electronic device, to provide electronic banking login data, authorization codes or full card number and CVV/CVC code, to install additional software, to move money to a „technical account”, or to provide BLIK codes.

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