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Financial Ombudsman about irregularities on the electronic equipment insurance sector

Financial Ombudsman about irregularities on the electronic equipment insurance sector

Dodano: 2019-01-15

The Financial Ombudsman has prepared an annex to its report about electronic equipment insurance. The annex is the result of the appearance of some alarming trends on the electronic equipment insurance market, although there is a decrease in the number of clients’ complaints.

The Ombudsman indicated two problems in the annex. One of them relates to replacing an insurance agreement, which is well-known by clients, a new kind of settlement – the service agreement. This means that any problems can be resolved with the participation of consumer commissioners. The Financial Ombudsman confirmed that he will inform the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection about this fact.  

The second irregularity is connected with the increasing number of consumer complaints against foreign insurance firms which run electronic equipment insurance activity in Poland. In 2016 the share of these complaints was 18%. It estimates that in 2018 it amounted to 34%.

Besides these irregularities the Financial Ombudsman judges the market favourably. Especially the changes which occurred in the market after his report’s publication, especially the elimination of mutual insurance agreements. 

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