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Financial Ombudsman: number of complaints against Gefion Insurance A/S increases

Financial Ombudsman: number of complaints against Gefion Insurance A/S increases

Dodano: 2019-02-19
Publikator: Financial Ombudsman

The number of complaints against Gefion Insurance A/S lodged to the Financial Ombudsman have increased and so the Ombudsman has decided to inform the Financial Supervision Authority.

According to a press release, the Financial Ombudsman organized the meeting with Gefion Insurance A/S. The watchdog’s representatives identified problems and requested that appropriate action be taken to decrease the number of clients’ complaints.

“We have not perceived any improvement in spite of the company’s declarations. Quite the opposite, the number of requests for the Financial Ombudsman’s intervention has constantly increased”, said Krystyna Krawczyk, director of the insurance and pension markets‘ client department in the Financial Ombudsman Office.

In the first half of 2018 the Financial Ombudsman received 82 motions. According to the initial data in the whole year their number will amount to 183. Most of them relate to MTPL insurance.


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