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Financial results of Aviva in 2018

Financial results of Aviva in 2018

Dodano: 2019-03-19

Aviva’s operational profit on the Polish market in 2018 amounted to PLN 956m. It means a growth by 8%y/y. The value of new business in the life insurance sector was PLN 279m. In 2017 it was 276m.

“A negative view of the life insurance market, especially investment products, is the main challenge for the branch. In these conditions we have done very well, because we are focusing on individual and group policies with extended life protection and we have a strong distribution chain. We maintained the value of new business and increased revenue which exceeded PLN 1.9b in 2018. We are working on a new life and health insurance product, which will have an optional investment part. Our task is to create transparent products which will meet clients expectations and their life styles. These products may stimulate the market”, said Adam Uszpolewicz, CEO of Aviva.

In 2018 Aviva and Santander Aviva paid PLN 523m benefits: PLN 331m in the life insurance sector and PLN 192m in P&C products. 

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