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Fintech Interministerial Steering Committee started its activity

Fintech Interministerial Steering Committee started its activity

Dodano: 2019-01-15

On 10th January the first meeting of the Fintech Interministerial Steering Committee was held. The committee was created by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF).

Representatives of the financial and antimonopoly watchdog, central bank and ministries took part in the meeting. The Committee’s aim is joint coordination of institutions and state authorities activity to support the fintech sector’s development. The organization also will prepare its standpoints. The Committee will have a meeting every month.

During the first meeting every organization presented its activity in the scope of fintech. Moreover KNF explained their proposals in the scope of fintech. They among others include launching of new tests in the regulatory sandbox. The watchdog also presented the strategy of the Polish fintech sector promotion. 

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