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Gefion products sale was discontinued by Polins

Gefion products sale was discontinued by Polins

Dodano: 2020-01-28

On 17 January 2020 Polins – Gefion’s representative in Poland –decided to discontinue sale of the insurer’s product.

The decision is connected with the announcement of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority about the financial standing of Gefion Insurance A/S. As Danish financial watchdog informed, Gefion Insurance A/S does not comply with the solvency capital requirement. The company has serious liquidity problems. The institution ordered not to expand the scope of insurance business. Read more: Gefion Insurance A/S has problems with liquidity

Polins discontinued sale of Gefion’s insurance product on 17 January 2020. The decision will be valid untill the insurer takes official action in the case or issues explanations about its financial standing. 

As Polins explained, the company wants to maintain its market position as a reliable partner on the Polish insurance market. The entity serves clients and resumes insurance agreements which were conducted before the decision. 

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