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Generali commences cooperation with Circle K

Generali commences cooperation with Circle K

Dodano: 2018-06-26

Clients who bought MTPL or car insurance in Generali, can receive discounts to use in the petrol stations Circle K.

In Poland there are 268 service points of Circle R where Generali’s clients may use special reductions in the price of fuels or services in the car washes. The discounts are granted every month. To get special codes clients need to generate them on the Generali website.

“The client is in the centre of our interest. We create new beneficial solutions for him permanently. We hope that becoming a Circle R discount program partner will increase our offer’s attractiveness and our clients will decide to stay with us longer. Also this is an additional argument for agents to encourage clients to buy motor insurance from Generali. 

Generali clients may also obtain reductions in prices of tyre changing or car repairing.       

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