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Generali Poland named Maciej Fedyna as new President of the Management Board and CEO

Generali Poland named Maciej Fedyna as new President of the Management Board and CEO

Dodano: 2020-11-05

Starting with 1 July 2020, Maciej Fedyna was nominated by the Supervisory Board as new President of the Management Board and CEO of Generali in Poland and will succeed Andrea Simoncelli who was appointed as new Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Generali T.U. S.A., Generali Zycie T.U. S.A and Generali Finance Sp. z o.o.

Maciej Fedyna has been associated with Gererali Polska for about 10 years, first as Director of the Controlling Department and then he became a member of the Management Board responsible for the finance department. He is also President of the Management Board of Concordia Polska T.U. S.A.

„I want to thank Andrea Simoncelli for his commitment to transforming Generali Polska into a very successful company. For five years he strengthened the Generali market position and made it a healthy and profitable company with a very high solvency ratio. Generali in Poland not only grew organically, but also acquired Concordia Polska companies and entered into the asset management sector, acquiring Union Investment – currently Generali Investments TFI. Andrea Simoncelli built an excellent team of professionals who are a guarantee of the continuation of the development of Generali in Poland. I congratulate Maciej Fedyna on taking over this important responsibility and I wish him success in his new role. I also congratulate all the members of the Management Board for the excellent results achieved during these years.”, commented Luciano Cirina, Austria, CEE & Russia Regional Officer and former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Generali in Poland.

„I really appreciate the trust of the Supervisory Board and shareholders of Generali Poland for new responsibility I received today. I look forward to the continuing engagement of all Generali Polska employees to further develop our company.”, added Maciej Fedyna, new President of the Management Board and CEO of Generali Poland.

Other changes that have been made by the Supervisory Board as of 1 July 2020 are:

  • Robert Sagala, Head of Actuarial Department at Generali, was named as a new board member and Chief Financial Officer in all Generali Poland companies.
  • Rajmund Rusiecki was appointed as member of the Management Board of the Generali T.U. S.A. in order to oversee the integration of sales networks of Concordia Polska T.U. S.A. and Generali T.U. S.A. and also to supervise the bancassurance channel.
  • Gregor Pilgram leaves the Supervisory Board of Generali Poland.
  • The composition of the Supervisory Boards and Management Boards of Generali PTE SA and Generali Investments TFI SA will remain unchanged.

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