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Glapiński wants to incorporate KNF into NBP’s structure

Glapiński wants to incorporate KNF into NBP’s structure

Dodano: 2016-06-07

Adam Glapiński – the future President of NBP, participated in the last session of a parliamentary commission of public finance which took place on 27th May 2016. During the meeting a future of Financial Supervisory Commission was discussed.

According to Glapiński, KNF should be incorporated in central bank’s structures. He argued that it will result in an increase of responsibility accredited to NBP.

“I think that if NBP responsibility is to be complete, then the bank must know more about what is happening in the banking sector. Currently, taking banking supervision outside of central bank and creating a separate supervisory commission resulted in a situation where information is gathered in KNF and the money is gathered in NBP. KNF makes decisions and we make payments” – he told during the session.

“Personally I would encourage to start a discussion on restoring banking supervision within central bank – he added. He pointed out that incorporating KNF within central bank’s structure should be carried out in a simplified manner, so that it doesn’t get stuck in some bureaucratic procedures. It appears that in 2-3 years it is not interest rates that will catch attention, but restructuring of banks and stability of banking and financial sector” – summarized Glapiński.

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