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Grzegorz Kulik resigned from the position of vicepresident in Allianz

Grzegorz Kulik resigned from the position of vicepresident in Allianz

Dodano: 2019-07-09

Grzegorz Kulik has resigned from the vicepresident position of both insurance companies of Allianz Polska. In the Group he was responsible for sales.

Grzegorz Kulik is a graduate of the Faculty of Management in the Cracow University of Economics. He started his career in 1996 as an insurance agent. In the years 2000-2008 he was connected with PZU, where he became a deputy of the Sales Manager.

In the years 2008-2011 he worked in Generali, where he was the manager of the Motor Insurance Department and the Leasing Department. In 2011 Kulik was appointed as a vicepresident of Uniqa, where he managed the area of reinsurance, pricing, product management and underwriting and claim settlement.      

In 2013 he became a member of the Council of the Insurance Guarantee Fund.

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